Hey everyone. Face Hunter has popped up early, but that's to be expected with a bunch of untested decks going against a super aggressive list. Crafting Cost: 13720. On my way to Legend I ran over multiple Face Hunters and a Shadow Priest, which I find somewhat impressive considering I'm playing a combo deck with no healing. While the random effect can be frustrating, all 3 possible . Hero Tower Mage deck. NEW Best Deck In Standard! In our weekly Report, which we post (almost) every Sunday, we share with you Decks played in Top 500 Legend and Top Duels Decks. 30,400. The best Hearthstone decks for beginners are: . Mine Warlock - Standard Meta Counter Decks. Aquatic . Find most popular Hunter decks in different archetypes. You can check out daily, weekly and monthly win-rates for each Quest Hunter deck list. I hope you enjoy this little special report by us, normally I just post once a week on reddit, but for this new Expansion, I wanted to update you early. . It's been an eventful year for Hearthstone, both for good and for ill, but now it's time to dive into the game's third expansion. More recent incarnations added "standard" to the name and limited . Ozzie Mejia April 8, 2020 12:30 PM . Simply comment below, or message us on Facebook, Twitter, or Discord, or use our Form. 24 mins ago. Play like a pro! Choose a Format and Class to start building, or use the import section below to enter deck codes from the game, your friends, or anywhere else! This page is updated multiple times a week with Top Legend Decks! The Hunter class usually favours aggressive decks due to the linear nature of their Hero Power and their explosive damage output. demon-hunter. Showing Standard decks with at least 5 unique pilots and 200 recorded games. ), then our recommendation is to take Beast Hunter for a spin. demon-hunter. Find the best Hearthstone Decks for Murder at Castle Nathria. Format: wild - Season: season-100 - Player: JambaJooze. Find the best decks all top ranked players are using. Filter by Class Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Hot Standard Decks Hot Wild Decks Hot Classic Decks Hot Budget Decks Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Forums Home Latest Threads Blue Tracker Members Site Achievements Dungeon Run Bundles Quest Hunter. It's not an easy list to pilot, but should be good if you're facing too many Control decks. The class is able to deal with threats and also punishes opponents for overextending. Deck: Constructed. When a Secret is played, a Secret icon appears on the caster's portrait, but the name and . Deck Tier List (Standard) - Forged in the Barrens - April 2021 (Season 85) Our latest list of the best decks to play in the current meta. Description: The Sun King's rage echoes through the tavern, empowering spellcasters of all kinds. . Check out Hunter Standard Decks (July 2022) using data from last 4 days. Find most popular Hunter decks in different archetypes. 1: Reno Mage: 20540: Hearthstone Standard Meta Snapshot: The Demon is Now the Hunter Meta Snapshot Team - a month ago Demon Hunter is the new hotness these daysso much so that it's burned every other deck, with one exception, out of the meta. Format: Standard. 58.5%. What it is: the most direct way to bring your opponent's life to zero. Best Hearthstone Standard Decks; Best Hearthstone Wild Decks; Best Duels Starter Decks For All Classes; Hearthstone's Best Arena Hero Class Tier List; Information. Bad Against: Other Popular Decks For example, a deck with the title Aggro Demon Hunter would mean it's an aggressive deck specifically for the Demon Hunter class. Last updated 1 day ago ( Castle Nathria Pre-Patch) Standard. Questline Warrior was a menace on the ladder for a large past of the past year and continues to do so with the release of Voyage to the Sunken City. Deck Type: Ranked Deck. After training hard in the Barrens . 119 H. H. Hearthstone. Questline Warrior Deck Guide. Apr 14 2022. Adorable Infestation. Posted By: Calebjmacci - Published: December 29, 2018 - Updated: 3 years ago - Dust Cost: 960 The ferocious masters of Beasts. OTK Hunter deck. All stats and win-rates for decks are calculated using actual user game data. Many hunter decks revolve around the use of Beast minions while maintaining board control.Many hunter-only cards benefit from having other Beasts in play or in your hand or deck, such as Timber Wolf, Tundra Rhino, Houndmaster or Master's Call.Certain cards with strong Beast synergy tend to become high priority targets for your enemies; Starving Buzzard for example lets you draw a card every . Compare winrates and find the deck for you! ? Basic decks are pre-made card lists provided for new players, composed entirely of cards from the Basic card set, including neutral cards and class cards available at level 1. Deck Recipes are intended to give newer players an easy way to explore new deck types, simultaneously helping them to learn about synergies and deck building. Token Druids are some of the longest-standing decks in the Hearthstone metagame, mostly because they manage to make a wide enough board that few players have enough answers to them. Type: PVP. Druid decks. We've got you covered - all of Battlegrounds' Heroes ranked. Animal Companion is an incredible 3-drop. Rewards: 1 pack. The deck absolutely trounces anything that tries to get on the board and doesn't make use of excessive Divine Shields. 11 Minions. The website is (almost) . Demon Hunter. Standard Hunter. That means tier one features the best decks. Build a deck and every third spell you cast each turn will cost (0). When creating a deck from a Deck Recipe, cards which the player does not possess can be substituted, with alternative suggestions provided. 1; Name Cost; Devouring Swarm: 0: Murloc Tinyfin: 0: Serpentbloom: 0: 287. Secret Hunter first took off in popularity after the release of One Night in Karazhan and the cards Cloaked Huntress and Cat Trick. Deck Code: AAECAea5AwSN9wPQ+QOHiwSXoAQN2cYD3dMDx90Dyt0D8 . Unfortunately, we lost the likes of Arcane Golem and . The deck's toolbox of Rush Beasts, cheap weapons, and Improved Secrets are good assets for the player who wants to hunt Pirates. Home Standard Decks Demon Hunter. Switcheroo Priest Deck 27 spells, 2 minions, 1 hero card meta standard full-guide spell combo. THE DECK. The website is (almost) . Cheap Hunter deck. That means the majority of these decks may . Ozumat Questline Hunter - #125 Legend (DocDelight) - Wild S99. Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! Questline Warrior is a twist on Aggro Pirate Warrior decks. Razorfen Hunter is a fairly standard inclusion in basic decks as it is a reasonably valuable 3-drop. giving Hearthstone a completely different feel in Standard play. 0. There's less than a week to go until Hearthstone's Forged in the Barrens expansion, but now is the time to delve into its past . Gibberling. C'Thun Celestial Druid deck. Fel Demon Hunter! It will not get you far at all in ranked, but it will at least get you acquainted with the style of play for Hunters. 24 mins ago. by ChristianHearthstone 3 weeks, 3 days ago 0 10120 10120 290 0. Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. Apr 15 2022. Check out this Fel Demon Hunter Hearthstone deck for the Voyage to the Sunken City expansion. All stats and win-rates for decks are calculated using actual user game data. Arbor Up. Hearthstone Standard Hunter Decks Decks for Hearthstone's Standard format, using cards from the Core set, as well as every set from the current and previous Rotation Year. Known for aggressive tactics in almost all their decks, as well as Spell and Highlander archetypes. Another deck straight from the Ladder. More Clockwork Card Dealer - Standard lists. Warrior decks. Keep checking Hearthstone Top Decks, because there are more Tavern Brawl decks . A shaman with mage and paladin Secrets. Demon Hunter is in a weird spot at the start of the Sunken City expansion.The class has a few solid directions . Find most popular Hunter decks in different archetypes. All deck stats and win-rates are calculated using data submitted by players. . Best Hunter Decks for Scholomance Standard The best decks for Hunter right now is Face Hunter and Highlander Hunter! Overdraft: mostly used in conjunction with perpetual flame.. Radiance of Azshara: the perfect utility card for this deck.You can use this card to bump up perpetual flame and deal 5 damage to all enemy minions. 163. All stats and win-rates for decks are calculated using actual user game data. Secret. Face Hunter is a deck showing some promise, check out our in-depth guide by @RoffleHS !. You need the best Hearthstone deck if you're planning on grinding through . Spell Hunter: 13960: 13960: 181: Throne of the Tides Nerfs 5 days, 19 hours ago: Reno Series 3 - Damage, damage everywhere by fabituz27. Good Against: Control Warrior, Holy Paladin. We've seen this Brawl a few times before: it's a slight tweak to the Blood Magic Brawl last seen in the summer of 2018, which allowed Wild cards. On this page, you will find the best Hunter Decks to play! Lightning Bloom. Fel Demon Hunter #42 Legend - Norwis135 . 4,600. Cute eyes, but those teeth fool no one: that's a spider wearing a bunny costume. A Secret is a hero zone spell card that is cast normally but has a delayed, hidden effect, which only takes place when a specific event occurs. . . The best Hearthstone Brawliseum decks. Type: PVP. If you pay attention to the meta in Hearthstone, you eventually notice that there are many types of deck strategies, and they're all usually represented by the name. They also . Keep track of the cards you and your opponent play with an in-game overlay. Posted By: Defnote - Published: December 6, 2021 - Updated: 6 months ago - Dust Cost: 7,040 8,760. F2P Warlock deck using the new Tides Mini-Set card Herald of Shadows. Format: Standard. Cloaked Huntress created huge swing turns by dumping multiple Secrets in one turn, creating an extremely disruptive environment for the opponent which made removing or . 30,400. This tier list has been updated to reflect the Voyage in Sunken City expansion, which went live on April 12. Decklists are selected using machine learning algorithm to give you the best chance to be successful on the ladder. Heroic Brawliseum is back in Hearthstone, bringing fans an Arena-like Standard Tavern Brawl with high stakes . Bringing you the best of #Hearthstone decks (Standard, Wild, Duels, Classic), articles, news, beginner guides & competitive content! Unfortunately, we lost the likes of Arcane Golem and . Despite this, more Midrange and Control decks are available for those who favour that style. Naga Ramp Druid Deck 18 spells, 11 minions, 1 hero card meta standard full-guide spell. Replayability: 5/10. 1. The deck plays a hard number of early game cards, super fast Charge minions, direct damage spells, coupled with the Steady Shot hero power, used to guarantee a win by turns 5 - 6. Hunter Starter Deck. When played in combo with the Starving Buzzard, it is quite the epic move. Watch and share Hearthstone replays directly from your web browser. . It's a no-nonsense deck for a no-nonsense class, built for those who like going for the throat and not letting go. Ranked Standard. I am neon31 from Hearthstone-Decks.net and wanted to share with you the Decks played in the first 24 hours of the new Expansion for both Standard and Wild at Top Legend.. Fun level: 4/10. Hidden until a specific action occurs on your opponent's turn. Beat the meta! Hunter Deck Standard 0/30 Cards. (opens in new tab) (opens in new tab) (opens in new tab) (opens in new tab) Copy deckcode to clipboard. You can also submit it if you reached 12 Wins in Hearthstone . However, it is worth noting in Hunter that the 1/1 Boar that is summoned is a Beast, and synergises with all the combo cards in your deck. Good Against: Questline Warrior. Hearthstone Deck guides H. Hearthstone. Prince Renathal Questline Hunter #41 Legend - HSCharon (Score: 22-5) July 3, 2022. Bad Against: Other Popular Decks Or Import From. Find the best Hunter Hearthstone Decks for Murder at Castle Nathria. Check out Hunter Standard Decks (June 2022) using data from last 4 days. 2. Prince Renathal Big Beast Hunter #295 Legend - JonRaiden (Score: 20-7) July 3, 2022. With many powerful new Pirates added, the deck is stronger than ever before, granting it a place in S tier. . Link: Import From . Cards like Dreamway Guardians, Arbor Up, and Glowfly Swarm just . A new Hearthstone expansion is out and Shacknews has some Standard deck recommendations for you, including a few aimed specifically at beating Demon Hunter. Check out Hunter Standard Decks (July 2022) using data from last 4 days. Here you can find our latest Hunter decks for the latest Hearthstone expansion: Voyage to the Sunken City. Reno Hunter - #71 Legend (Photon) - Wild S99. 10) Barrens Stampede - Hunter. Hearthstone Battlegrounds - Best Heroes Tier List. Added on June 2, 2022. Best Standard Demon Hunter Decks. Highlander is still being tinkered with, but it isn't seeing a ton of play right now. Mage decks. Deck: Constructed. Best Hearthstone Standard Decks; Best Hearthstone Wild Decks; Best Duels Starter Decks For All Classes; Hearthstone's Best Arena Hero Class Tier List; Information. Remove Ads - Go Premium! Deathrattle Demon Hunter deck. . Find popular Hearthstone decks for every class, card and game mode. THE DECK. Questline Hunter - #190 Legend (ThisIsChris) - Throne of Tides. Renothal Demon Hunter - Early #47 Legend (JambaJooze) - Wild S100. Big Beast Hunter - #415 Legend (sidisi) - Throne of Tides. July 2, 2022 . If your heart's set on punishing Questline Warrior and no one else (and who could blame you? 28 Spells. As soon as you receive the card 'Unleash the Hounds', put it in your deck. Face hunter is the quintessential deck that embodied the word "aggressive" in its blood and sinew. https://t.co/yPQwb96spu Your Website for Top #Hearthstone Decks for #StandardHS, #WildHS, #ClassicHS, #MercenariesHS & #DuelsHS https://t.co/qm6cpKPp9k On this page, you will find the best Demon Hunter Decks to play! Hopefully, one of these decks listed here should get you the W. If you're on a budget, I'd recommend the Demon Hunter deck. 7,500. Standard Secret Hunter. Basic decks are the default deck lists provided whenever gaining a new deck slot, offering a quick, simple way of getting to know a class and the game itself without . The algorithm takes into account, archetypes, and cards being played on particular ranks, predicted win-rate for archetypes and cards, the number of games etc. Murloc Warlock Deck 4 spells, 25 minions, 1 hero card meta standard full-guide aggro. Home Standard Decks Hunter. Did you see a Streamer play a Deck in or reach yourself 500 Legend? Naga Face Hunter - #97 Legend (serve) - Throne of Tides. Fun level: 7/10. 6 days, 1 hour ago. Check out popular Quest Hunter Decks (July 2022). . Explore advanced statistics about decks and cards based on millions of games per week. This Warrior deck uses Rush to create great tempo. A Owl Warlock Deck created by sule. Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. Bad Against: Ramp Druid, Small Spell Mage, Naga Demon Hunter, Questline Hunter, Questline Warrior. r/hearthstone: For fans of Blizzard Entertainment's digital card game, Hearthstone Fel Demon Hunter. This deck is plain and simple. rogue, hunter nagas, murlocs). . Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! Best Hearthstone Standard Decks; Best Hearthstone Wild Decks; Best Duels Starter Decks For All Classes; Hearthstone's Best Arena Hero Class Tier List; Information. Secret Hunter is a midrange Hunter deck type that utilizes Secrets as its main game plan. If your heart's set on punishing Questline Warrior and no one else (and who could blame you? Elemental Shaman deck. Hunter decks are well suited for an aggro-style due to its aggressive hero power. . Dust Needed: ? ), then our recommendation is to take Beast Hunter for a spin. Build new decks from scratch or import existing deck codes, customize them to your heart's delight, then share your decks or copy the code into the game and start playing! Hearthstone Deck Tracker. Good Against: Questline Warrior. Renothal Demon Hunter - Early #47 Legend (JambaJooze) - Wild S100. Hearthstone: Best Voyage to the Sunken City Demon Hunter Decks Fel Naga Demon Hunter. . Glowfly Swarm. The deck's toolbox of Rush Beasts, cheap weapons, and Improved Secrets are good assets for the player who wants to hunt Pirates. Despite attempts to nerf Hunter, the class has continued to have a dominant run in the meta. Format: wild - Season: season-100 - Player: JambaJooze. Beat the meta! Face hunter is the quintessential deck that embodied the word "aggressive" in its blood and sinew. Fel Demon Hunter 9320. Amalgam of the Deep. By Luci Kelemen published 23 November 20 Discover the best Hearthstone Duels deck for each class, and how to use them. Perpetual flame: a cheap and early way to clear the board.Good keep against early flood decks (e.g. . Difficulty: 8 / 10. Posted By: Adamdrakey - Published: October 4, 2017 - Updated: 5 years ago - Dust Cost: 3,160 The deck plays a hard number of early game cards, super fast Charge minions, direct damage spells, coupled with the Steady Shot hero power, used to guarantee a win by turns 5 - 6. These are your best bets to invest 1000 gold. Difficulty: 2-9 / 10 (will depend on the size of your card collection) Replayability: 5/10. There are 9 basic decks in total, one for each class. Deck Recipes are premade card lists which players can use when creating a new deck. Dreamway Guardians. Shaman decks. Prince Renathal Questline Hunter #13 Legend - HSCharon (Score: 42-29) July 2, 2022 . December 7, 2021 10:00 AM. Agony Warlock. Search By Style By Type '; Hunter Cards You can select up to (5) cards! Rogue decks. Throne of the Tides Mini-Set | Hearthstone. Hot Standard Decks Hot Wild Decks Hot Classic Decks Hot Budget Decks Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest . This page is updated multiple times a week with Top Legend Decks! Face Hunter Deck Archetype: Quest Hunter. Choose your class: Our Hearthstone Deck Builder helps you create decks for your favorite Class. . .
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